Cow Grass (Axonopus Compressus) / 纯牛草
Category: GrassNatural Grass
Normal, Machine Cut, Thailand Cow Grass
Grass that suitable for field & road : Cow Grass (Axonopus Compressus)
There are two type of Cow Grass
Two-petalled cow grass is a more economical option for permanent pasture and ground cover. The two-petalled variant has larger leaf blades than the three-petalled variant and has a darker green color. It is a more robust breed and spreads much quicker than the three-petalled variant.
Three-petalled cow grass is a popular choice for permanent pasture and ground cover. It has a characteristic emerald green tone and wide leaves which are aesthetically pleasing. It is highly favored for its adaptability in low fertility soils and the local moist climate as well as its ability to flourish under shaded conditions
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